218 millions
210 millions
According to the unaudited consolidated annual report 2022, Eco Baltia’s pro-forma revenues reached €240mn, growing by 60% compared to €150.0mn pro-forma revenue in 2021. Consolidated net turnover reached €210.79mn. This represents a 75.7% increase compared to 2021, when consolidated net turnover was €120.0mn. In 2022, Group’s consolidated net profit was €7,31mn and consolidated EBITDA reached €25,47mn. Leading companies of Eco Baltia are PET Baltija, TESIL Fibres, Nordic Plast, Metal Plast, Eco Baltia vide, Ecoservice, Latvijas Zaļais punkts and JUMIS. Group companies employ more than 2300 employees.
AS Eco Baltia PRESENTATION (October, 2023).
AS Eco Baltia 3-year bond issue OFFERING DOCUMENT (October, 2023).
AS Eco Baltia 3-year bond issue OFFERING DOCUMENT and FINAL TERMS.
Reduced personal income tax rate application to note interest received by a tax non-resident of Latvia –HERE.
Company | SIA “Deloitte Audits Latvia” |
Address | Republikas Laukums 2a, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia |
License no | 43 |
Leading companies in the existing “Eco Baltia” portfolio are “Eco Baltia vide”, “Ecoservice” in Lithuania, “LATVIJAS ZAĻAIS PUNKTS”, “Jumis”, “Oil Recovery”, “NORDIC PLAST”, “Iterum”, “TESIL Fibres” in Czech Republic and “Metal Plast” in Poland. Companies of “Eco Baltia” provide full cycle of environmental services, including recycling of plastics. Group’s companies have 30 operational facilities across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Czech Republic.
Shareholders of AS “Eco Baltia” are “INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund” through UAB “BSGF Salvus” (52.81%), the European Bank for the Reconstruction and Development (30.51%) and the management of the company (16.68%).
The Group’s business activities are based on the circular economy and environmentally friendly principles. Our mission is not only to reduce resource consumption and emissions, but also to implement energy-efficient solutions.
See our environmental sustainability policy
The services of Eco Baltia Group are focused on making a real contribution to the protection of nature and the efficient use of resources. In recent years, the fleet of Eco Baltia has been supplemented by vehicles that run on compressed natural gas, which reduces CO2 emissions. Funds have also been invested in a mobile vehicle to deliver a waste container washing service to the customer’s address. This not only significantly reduces travel costs and environmental impact, but improves the convenience of our service as well. We have signed a memorandum to strengthen cooperation towards the development of hydrogen technology in Latvia, and are already carrying out research to use non-recyclable waste mass for gasification, which will eventually also produce hydrogen to power our own fleet. By engaging in and supporting projects to develop environmentally friendly technologies, Eco Baltia further reduces its ecological footprint.
We are proud of the annual support and partnership of Latvijas Zaļais punkts in the Baltic Brand Forum, participating in the top ranking of the Greenest Brands in Latvia. Our initiatives – such as textile collection and the provision of textile container infrastructure, as well as the implementation of “Vislatvijas šķiratlons” [All-Latvia Sortathon] for several consecutive years – demonstrate the commitment of Eco Baltia to sustainable lifestyles and responsible resource management. Currently, more than 700 textile containers are available in Latvia and Lithuania; the company also provides end-of-life electronics collection services across more than 100 locations throughout Latvia.
We are actively involved in the implementation of climate programmes and in cooperation with the LIFE integrated project “Waste as Resources in Latvia – Promoting Regional Sustainability and Circulation through the Concept of Waste as a Resource” (LIFE Waste To Resources IP, LIFE20 IPE/LV/000014).
Key achievements
The business of “Eco Baltia” is based on the principles of integrity and ethics at every stage of business, contributing to sustainable growth.
Business Partner Code of Conduct
Policy on the selection, nomination, evaluation and responsibility of Management Board members
The main objective of our company is to produce each successive unit with fewer resources compared to the previous production cycle. To this end, we are constantly monitoring technological developments, implementing innovative projects and investing in new equipment to maintain our competitiveness and strengthen our position on the European market.
We value and apply LEAN methods, especially the KAIZEN and 5S approach to business processes, which allows us to continuously improve and optimise our operations.
Eco Baltia companies are active members of the Latvian Association of Waste Management Companies, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Latvian Tyre Management Association and the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry reflecting our commitment to business improvement and overall sustainability.
Key achievements
“Eco Baltia” issued 8 million EUR of bonds
Eco Baltia announcement on the bonds placement
Recording of Eco Baltia’s webinar about inaugural bond issue public offering
ISIN | Aggregate Nominal Amount | Interest Rate | Maturity Date |
LV0000860138 LV0000860120 |
EUR 10,000,000 EUR 8,000,000 |
9% 8% |
2 November 2026 17 February 2026 |
AS Eco Baltia COMPANY DESCRIPTION ( April 2024)
AS Eco Baltia PRESENTATION ( October 2023)
AS Eco Baltia 3-year bond issue OFFERING DOCUMENT (October, 2023).
AS Eco Baltia 3-year bond issue OFFERING DOCUMENT and FINAL TERMS.
AS Eco Baltia PRESENTATION (February 2023)
Reduced personal income tax rate application to note interest received by a tax non-resident of Latvia (updated on February 5, 2025).
07.02.2023. PRESENTATION demonstrated during the webinar about inaugural bond issue public offering.